Plastic Recycling and Environmental Sustainability

Plastic recycling is key to reducing pollution and conserving resources. Saving energy, oil, water, and landfill space minimizes the environmental impact of plastic production and waste. Advancing recycling efforts is crucial for a more sustainable future.

Energy Conservation

Through recycling efforts, we have saved approximately 60,74,248 kWh of energy. This represents a significant reduction compared to the energy required to produce virgin plastic.

Oil Savings

Recycling has conserved about 27,27,836 liters of oil. These savings encompass energy use and transportation that would have otherwise been necessary for manufacturing new plastic.

Landfill Space Reduction

Our recycling initiatives have prevented approximately 8,52,120 cubic feet of plastic waste from ending up in landfills. This helps reduce methane emissions and minimizes the environmental footprint of waste disposal.

Improved Air Quality

By avoiding the release of approximately 26,30,000 kg of air pollutants, recycling efforts have significantly contributed to better air quality and reduced the overall environmental impact of waste management.

Water Conservation

Plastic recycling has conserved an impressive 191,14,840 liters of water, addressing the water-intensive nature of traditional plastic production processes.